Friday, December 31, 2021

The truth about the duck

From our renowned printing house I announce that stories of Narcissus, the result of a transatlantic Indo-European collaboration, are free on January 1st and January 2nd. The book is brought to you by Amazon. Feel free to download it using the link below.

Narcissus, the transgender duck, is still alive and happy. He lives in our garden, under a cherry tree and enjoys swimming in a muddy pond built by Edward.

Narcissus (and other birds) is what is left today from the once mighty dinosaurs. He's got a very long genome that allows birds to be very diverse. Also, grace to their once huge size, birds have great mutation repair mechanisms and very little cancer.

Narcissus had two wives and they all enjoyed a great family life in the pond. During the COVID-19 lock down, they laid eggs and, once enough eggs were laid, the wives became broody and retired to their nests, each taking care of a bunch of eggs.

Then, surprise, surprise, Narcissus himself became broody. He also went to a hidden bunch of eggs and laid on them, to keep them warm. Weeks rolled by and the two broody ducks started to lose weight. Their red faces became more and more pale. They ate less and less, as life was flowing out of them, while waiting for the ducklings to hatch.

Then, one day, the children became worried that the ducks may die. They decided to conduct a Caesarean section on some of the eggs and see if indeed there are ducklings inside. As so much time has passed, the children thought the risk of a premature chick being born was low. But, instead of ducklings, the eggs contained an almighty stinky mess. There was not a single duckling in all the very many eggs. The whole garden and the whole neighbourhood, perhaps the whole city stank to high heavens. But, having aborted the eggs, all ducks returned to a normal life in the garden.

Next year, if we have the same three ducks, we'll make omelettes instead.

As being transgender is quite controversial, Narcissus likes to keep his secret throughout the book. He is rather discreet about his sexuality.

Have a look on Amazon, download the book and leave only good reviews!!

All free on January 1st!

Happy New Year!


P.S. This note started as an email. My children loved it, and so it morphed into this post.

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