Friday, December 31, 2021

It's Over!

I hereby declare the COVID-19 Pandemic over on January 1, 2022 (the date is approximate). At least, any shadow of a medical reason for this geopolitical movement we call COVID-19 pandemic is gone.

Just like with the gladiator fights in ancient Rome or the Corrida in Spain, a good show needs blood. In the Corona pandemic, the blood was provided by the millions of people dying spectacular deaths gasping for air. Some were hooked up to ventilators, in overcrowded hospitals run by zombie doctors, themselves infected and sleep deprived.

Sure, there was a virus, and there were deaths. Our measures and show, however, had very little impact on those deaths. Furthermore, we reacted far more to the 0.2% of us dying of Corona when infected, than to the 0.1% of us dying of all causes every month.

Now, Covid-19, has mutated sufficiently to no longer cause deaths. Its latest incarnation, Omicron, is very much a common cold and less deadly than the average flu. The virus is far more contagious than before. Thus pandemic wave comes to an end much faster, infecting everyone and killing no one, just like the common colds do.

We may continue the circus, but historians of the future will agree that, as of January 1, 2022, the circus has no base in reality because

--Omicron is not deadly
-- Omicron is so contagious that resistance is futile. Thus, even if it was deadly, there was nothing we can do.

The whole world and many countries show a clear Omicron signal. The new infections are raising very quickly, and, a few days later, in countries that are far enough along, falling again. The Omicron signal is a very sharp rise in cases. The deaths don't rise. People don't die because the virus no longer goes down to the lungs. Thus this unprecedented number of cases is not correlated with deaths.

Notes on individual countries.

South Africa is already going over Omicron. The number of cases goes down, as most people have been exposed and are now immune. There is no rise in deaths.

Russia and Germany don't have much Omicron yet. Thus, cases and deaths correlate like before.

Denmark has some deaths. Maybe Omicron mixed with Delta? The rise in cases isn't as sharp as would be expected of Omicron.

All other countries shown have Omicron - sharp rise in cases. No deaths. Below are cases and deaths for Italy, the UK, the US and Australia.

Credit: The data and images are taken from

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