Friday, December 31, 2021

Sleeping Beauty's Castle

We went hiking and found a castle in the woods. The rock walls were covered in thick thorny bushes. Some might make berries later in the season. It looked just as I imagined sleeping beauty's castle to be after 100 years. It even had a tower, and a dungeon under the tower, which was almost filled by a combination of debris and some trash. While the trash is omipresent wherever one goes, it is never part of any dreams or stories. We pretend it does not exist.

This building is not marked on any map. So, I don't know its true story. It could have been bombed during the war and then abandoned. Perhaps it sheltered people then, and each had a story to tell, or perhaps it is even older. Is the dungeon an opening of a tunnel that goes under the hills? I don't think so, but I did not go down there to find out. Why? There are so many homeless people in Spain that I, generally, refrain from exploring delapidated basements because I don't want to intrude.

This castle had a certain eerie beauty to it that made it hard to miss. Some other pictures are below. James was the first to enter. There is even a window. Edward and little Ira look through it. But overall, it would have been difficult for prince charming to do much here. It's a pity that they don't turn this kind of buildings into museums or at least into stopping points along the hiking trail with a bit of history attached. Of course, they would not make you feel like you've discovered them then. It's wonderful and sad in the same time to see nature take over a structure almost completely. Then on the way back my one year old fell asleep and I had to carry him home. It was quite a challenge, which reminds me I am getting older and barely able to carry my youngest sleeping beauty.

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