Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Truth from Belarus

In this strange world, the President of Belarus, dictator Alexander Lukashenko is the only head of state -- other than Angela Merkel -- telling his people the truth about COVID-19. He told his people

"Not a single person had died from the coronavirus in our country. Not a single one! They died from a bouquet of chronic diseases, which they had. Coronavirus is not even a push, it is the atmosphere in which their chronic diseases develop."

Mr Lukashenko, I publicly agree with you! I never thought the day would come when I agreed with a dictator.

As of April 14, Belarus has 3281 cases of COVID-19 and 33 deaths associated with the virus. Like everywhere else, the people who died were either old or otherwise close to their natural end of life, due to age and pre-existent conditions.

There seems to be surprisingly little under-counting. I would expect 100 000 - 200 000 cases today. They have a reasonable testing volume — twice that of Ukraine. They report 4% of tests are positive in Belarus compared to 15% in Italy and 10% in Germany and 20% in the US. 

I hope they will hold-on to this mindset and not follow Russia in their proposed cyber-gulag.

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