Saturday, February 26, 2022

Economic incentives to end the war? A proposal

Offer each soldier that surrenders to Ukrainian forces a reward sufficient to start a new life in Ukraine, settle down, find a wife or become an immigrant in EU.

-- Ukrainian citizenship, with the right to free travel to the European Union, and the possibility of asylum in the EU.
-- The right to bring relatives, and, perhaps, friends.
-- one plot of land to build a house in Ukraine. Good location.

1000 m2 should be enough for 500 m2 plot and associated infrastructure - roads, parks, etc. Thus, 1 square km is enough for 1000 soldiers. If 100 000 soldiers surrender, a piece of land 10 km by 10 km is sufficient. There are virtually no costs to Ukraine, as this would be state owned agricultural land that turns residential. The tax income from so much residential property would cover the cost of the agricultural land in a few years.

-- one $ 10 000 cash paymemnt to buy materials and start building a house
-- a monthly stipend of $ 1000 for one year, sufficient for a decent living, finding a nice Ukrainian wife, and a good job.
-- senior officers should receive more. A larger cash bonus, perhaps a nice house, and a significant fraction of the value of the military equipment they surrender. There are so many empty house with the decreasing population all throughout Eastern Europe that the governments can afford such decisions easily.

Russians and Ukrainians are similar people, with common tradition and similar language. There are many Russians living in Ukraine and nearly all Ukrainians speak Russian. Thus, assimilating Russians into Ukrainian society is very easy. Soldiers are young, capable people and very much needed in a society like Ukraine that has a low birth rate and has lost many people to the European Union. We cannot afford to kill the best and the brightest yet again.

The cost of the above package is very low to the Ukrainian society, and, overall, a profitable deal.
Each soldier that surrenders will bring with him military equipment that is very much needed and costly. The cost of this military equipment is likely to vastly exceed the rewards.
The damage this military equipment would inflict upon Ukraine is orders of magnitude greater.

Sure, there is a risk of such soldiers becoming spies, but, this risk exists for many Ukrainians, like the millions of separatists. Thus, the overall composition and global sabotage risk in Ukrainian society would not change dramatically.

There is a good chance that, in this way, Ukraine will use the German money as a weapon and, perhaps, destabilize the Russian army and hasten the collapse of the Putin regime.

All weapons surrendered are weapons that won't be used in war. It is buying lives.

Obviously, in the advertising, perhaps the President of Ukraine should tell the truth. The Russian soldiers are children of the USSR, just like Ukrainian soldiers. They are the most valuable and loved age group in society. They are children. They are young men and women. They should grow up into old men and not kill each other or maim each other in the battle field for the sake of criminal leaders. People should find a way to stop the war now! It should be stopped before more blood is lost to the contagious madness incited by leaders who should know better than to cause and applaud such destruction!

Note: a few days later they implemented such a suggestion backed by Ukraine's defense ministry with money donated by the international IT community.


  1. What about the Ukrainian sentiments? E.g. Go and ask Ukrainian women if they wouldn’t like to marry a nice Russian soldier who has just attacked their country and killed their countrymen…also, these „converted” Russians would have the right to vote. I wonder for whom they would cast the ballot if ever there was a pro Russia party again. I have one very old Ukrainian friend who used to be pro Russia when we were young and changed 180 degree after working in Moskow for a couple of years. The propaganda and misinformation was unbearable for him. Unfortunately, many Russians seem to fall for it. What mentality would you expect a soldier to have? Free of propaganda?

  2. The Russian soldiers are children. Many must be young: 18, 19, 20something. Russians don't hate Ukrainians, and Ukrainians don't hate Russians. It's the leaders that are the problem and not the individuals. Yes, some will be good and some will be less good, but they are all people and the senseless killing makes no sense. So, what about elections? In the West, they depend on how much money is spent in advertising. They can predict them pretty well. Furthermore, if Ukraine wins the war or stops the conflict without losing its independence, the regime will change in Moscow as well, and so it might not be so scary to be there next year.
