Thursday, October 7, 2021

A sad record: Romania is number 1 ... in COVID deaths/day/capita worldwide

Yesterday, October 6th, Romania set a sad record. We have the highest daily Corona mortality worldwide.

We counted 328 Corona-related deaths yesterday. This places us 5th in the world by this overall number, up from 7th place a day before and behind the US, Russia, Mexico and Brazil. These are, however, much larger countries, exceeding our population by a factor between 7 (Russia) and 17(US).

If we look at the other countries, and their population, we are World's Number 1.

To put things in perspective, the number isn't that extraordinary. More technologically advanced nations have been there and the world didn't come to an end.

Germany peaked at 1244 deaths in one day, in January. Considering that their population is between 4 and 5 times larger, our absolute number isn't that extraordinary. Unlike Germany, our current epidemic shows no clear signs of slowing down yet, although, it will soon stop, as it happened everywhere else in the world. We are not that special.

Romania's average annual mortality rate is 1.32%. This corresponds do an average daily toll of 687 people. This number varies naturally by 10-20 % in most years due to the weather and various viruses live the common cold and flu that go around. 50% is a lot, but not the end of the world.

But ... we have a vaccine. The vaccine works. The vaccine has been available to all, and turned down by most since May. Our vaccination rate, at just over 30% is one of the lowest among first world countries (are we??).

I have spoken before against shutting down the world for the sake of a debatable, small reduction in Corona-related mortality. But, now, we have a vaccine. The vaccine works. Why die when there is no reason to die?

Our people -- mostly old and sick -- have chosen to decline the vaccine and now choose to die for no good reason. Younger people may suffer with long Covid for months to come -- in most cases cough and not so deadly ill health. It's all good when there is no other way, but, now, we have a vaccine. It's easy to get vaacinated, and it's free. Still, we choose to die. Why, people, why?

The good news is that, despite the very high current mortality, the country remains open. Some schools have closed, but only if they have more than 50% of their classes closed due COVID. Many are in session. Airports operate. Hotels, shops and everything else work -- everything shuts down early, but they open again in the morning. About 70% of the population isn't vaccinated, but, in my view, most people have been previously infected. Thus, what this data shows is that natural immunity doesn't work well against COVID-19 and even a second infection can be deadly.

Vaccines do work, but, it seems, just like the natural immunity, for a limited time only. Thus, we are probably looking at a future where we will have to get infected or vaccinated against this Coronavirus every season, just like the flu.

Where will the current wave of unnecessary deaths and infections stop? Will we pass the US, Russia, Mexico and Brazil like we passed India and Ukraine the day before? My guess is that, when the numbers for the next few days come in, we'll pass some, but not all of these countries. And, it will not be the end of the world. I wish we'd have managed and regarded earlier waves of this pandemic as we do now. Still, this didn't have to happen. People didn't have to die. In countries with good vaccination rates, like the UK, Spain and Germany, the current wave of COVID-19 infections, while present and not small, leads to very few deaths, compared to previous waves.

Romania, Russia, Ukraine and Bulgaria have decided to avoid vaccination and have another wave. God bless those who survive and those who won't.

I thank Dr. Katja Herges for long and useful discussions.

Graphs: Worldometer

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