Sunday, August 26, 2012

Edward turns two!

With Grandma
My son turned two in August 2012! Overall, I am proud of my little guy and thankful for having him. Both Edward and David (my nephew) are two healthy little boys who like to play outside. They run, and jump, and yell, and spit sometimes, too - they like to spit upwards and then run and laugh.

The following Edward-facts are true at this point:   He loves his cousin David and sometimes calls David's name even in his sleep. His worst nightmare seems to be dreaming that David does not share a toy with him.  David is only 5 himself and is really good at sharing, but I try to not have unreasonable expectations.

Edward speaks fluently in Romanian, and also speaks some English. He responds in English if he is spoken to in English. He says most words correctly, but every once in a while refers to "biloza" instead of "buldozer", "papac" instead of "capac", "pingea", etc. He still refers to himself as "tu/you".
He has been diaper-free since April 2012, and we have had very few accidents since then.

 We live close to the lake in Fallanden and so Edward loves playing in water, and trying to swim.  He still needs to be pushed along to advance in water, but I am glad he accepts the water and that my mother and I can swim around him vs. sit on the shore.
In the lake
On the bike
The boys.

Edward is learning to roller-blade and rides a bike without pedals.  Another thing he loves is having us draw animals, insects, and planes and cars for him. His favorite animal is the cat - both drawn and in real life. He is starting to be able to draw himself also and his drawings do make sense - although at the end he adds a number of random lines to them.

The birthday cake
When it rains and the snails come out, Edward asks me to pick every one of them to throw them in some green area so that they do not get stepped on. He likes counting them, too:  "3, 4, 2". In the evening or when the weather is not good enough for swimming, we go hiking.  Edward can walk to the top of the hiking trail behind our house and back without asking to be picked up. Of course, "can" is the key word here, which means he does not always want to walk on his own. Nevertheless, he is doing well for a little fellow of about two years of age.

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