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Edward in front of my grandparent's home in Lugoj |
my great aunt, me, and my friends in highschool |
with Tanti Mia & Domnul Costel |
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with Mari in Clopodia |
David and Mihai in Martinique |
Andy, Edward and I in Martinique |
Edward and Andy |
P.S. The whole homesickness thing makes me think of the book I just read to my son - it's called Apolodor. It is a long poem about a cute penguin by Gellu Naum. My mom used to read it to me & my brother when we were little, and now Edward enjoys it, too. Unfortunately, it's in Romanian and the one translation I found was fairly poor.
"La circ, in Targul Mosilor,
Pe gheata unui racitor,
Traia voios si zambitor
Un pinguin din Labrador.
-Cum se numea?-Apolodor.
-Si ce facea?-Canta la cor.
Deci, nu era nici scamator,
Nici acrobat, nici dansator;
Facea si el ce-i mai usor:
Canta la cor. Era tenor.
Grasut, curat, atragator
In fracul lui stralucitor
Asa era Apolodor.
Dar intr-o zi Apolodor,
Spre deznadejdea tuturor
A spus asa:-Sunt foaaarte trist!
Imi place viata de corist
Dar ce sa fac? Mi-e dor, mi-e dor
De fratii mei din Labrador!
O, de-as putea un ceas macar
sa stau cu ei pe un ghetar..."
Very Rough translation by me (which is why it does not rhyme):
"In a circus on cooler ice
Always smiling, always happy
Lived a penguin from Labrador
What was his name? Apolodor
What did he do? He was a tenor.
He was no acrobat. He was no dancer.
His job was the easiest of all.
He happily sang in his shinning black costume.
Clean, engaging, attractive
This was Apolodor.
But one day he said
I am veeeerrrry sad!
I like life as a singer
But what can I do? I miss, I miss
My brothers from the Labrador
Oh... If I could sit on an iceberg
with them at least an hour..."
His friends (a cat, a bear, a porcupine, a rabbit, and a camel) are disappointed by his sadness, and they all offer him what they love best: the cat offers cream, the bear fresh berries, the porcupine needles, and the rabbit salad. None of these help and thus Apolodor is allowed by his circus boss to go to Labrador. So, he travels around the world singing and is amazingly successful as a singer wherever he goes. After many adventures he reaches Labrador where he finds out that his family was on vacation there when he was born and that they really live at the South Pole. After a number of years and more adventures including being thrown into space in a rocket he reaches the South Pole. His family is very happy to see him. However, he soon feels very cold, and starts missing his work as a singer and his friends. So, he leaves the icebergs and travels back to Bucharest to the ice from the cooler and his job at the circus.
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